Wednesday, October 31, 2018

For Every No

There is a verse of scripture and its far from ordinary. It is different in its comparison to most others. It is perhaps never looked at. Why would it? For It has no promise of blessing. There is no promised miracle that appears from it.  Really just the opposite. It perhaps creates question rather than gives answer.

This word that GOD breathed and gave inspiration to. After all, while it may be out of the way and hard to understand. We cannot just throw it away. We cannot and must not discard it as though it has no value to it. Yet, how strange it is. This we know, it is the word of GOD. And that should suffice.

2 Tim 4:20 Erastus abode at Corinth: but Trophimus have I left at Miletum sick.    KJV

Paul in his last letter he would write. This before his life would end at the hands of Nero. Paul I can understand, would want to greet and say goodbye to his friends. No doubt, we would be the same if we knew that our last breath was about to be taken from us, as Paul’s was. We would absolutely want to bid our farewells. Give our love. And of course, encourage those; if we like Paul were forced to our death.
So, this is stated as such in Paul’s last book, in three verses from the end of the last chapter. Paul with and with his days, hours and minutes winding down. He did what I believe what we all would want to do. That is to have a chance to pray and to remember and express our love in our end.  
This is Paul’s day. He’s in prison. His eyes are now dim. His health has and is deteriorating by the day. He knows what’s ahead of him. We can know Paul has made his calling and election sure and he is ready to depart and be with Christ. He is actually looking forward to what is in front of him.
So, I pull this verse out of Paul’s last chapter of his last and final letter and point out his last words. Yes, he mentions many names, but only one mentioned does he give us a glimpse of. Trophimus. Three times mentioned… Acts 20:4 and Acts 21:29 and yes, here in this letter to Timothy.
What we know of this one man is vague. Yet, we know some. He is an Ephesian. He is a gentile believer. He has obeyed the gospel. He has and is a fellow laborer in the kingdom of GOD. He was no doubt converted in a day that Paul preached. A day and time when Asia minor, was turned upside down. There was this man who was most likely a worshipper of idols. It was he through the preaching of the word of GOD. Perhaps even Paul’s preaching, decided to put away the goddess Diana. He concluded; that Emperor worship, and the worship of Greek gods and goddesses was false and error. Trophimus came to know through the preached word of GOD these idols were not the one true GOD.
And the astounding word for this man of faith that Paul knows and has labored beside is this description that Paul with anointing and with wisdom states… (I LEFT TROPHIMUS AT MILETUM SICK.)
Paul the healer. The one whose shadow and garment when touched gave healing and deliverance to so many. Even devils trembled. The devils even confessed that they knew Paul. The world in his day and time knew Paul. People of renown knew Paul. King Agrippa, Felix the governor. Paul wasn’t a stranger to miracles, signs and wonders. In fact, they followed him. Paul was known by them. That is save this one particular day. Trophimus was left behind. Paul had to go on without him.
Surely Paul prayed for him. Would he not? His friend, and fellow servant in the gospel. Probably like Timothy a son in the LORD. Paul would not leave his side unless necessary. Do you think that Trophimus made the prayer list at church? How sick was he? Sick enough he couldn’t go on. Sick enough that we never hear of him again. Did he die? Was Trophimus’ sickness unto death? We don’t know. What we do know is this. GOD said no. No, to this man who did his savior’s work. No, to his deliverance. No, to his healing. Never a miracle recorded in the behalf of this sickness that had invaded the body of a precious brother in the LORD.
Paul along with the faith of Trophimus and the church on that day was denied by heaven. NOPE; NOT TODAY!!!
Paul who was told yes, so many times before. He healed many. That is yes. He was delivered from snake bite, from shipwreck, from stoning, from cold and nakedness. These and more Paul had received the yes of heaven. But this verse sandwiched among all his epistles. Paul here; is told no.
I know Paul was told no before. He prayed not once or twice but three times over a thorn that caused him much pain and suffering. A thorn that GOD had evidently ignored. GOD never addressed it. That is until Paul kept praying about it. Even then the word that Paul so desperately wanted to hear was denied him. No, No, and No and the word Paul did hear was “my grace is sufficient for thee.” That I believe, we can conclude was not the word that Paul was praying or hoping to hear.
Paul went on. Paul resigned. Paul said ok GOD. “You know what’s best for me.” Paul was told no, no and no. And Paul said, its time for me to move on and pray for others and other things. And Paul lets us know. I left my friend. I had to leave my fellow soldier behind. I had to leave my brother.
Did Paul ever see him again? Its doubtful that he did.
I know there are so many today and they are praying and praying. Loved ones have cancer. Loved ones lost. Loved ones hurting. Life has showed up and has reminded us that life can be so full of sorrow. Tears seem to be your only friend. And like Paul saying bye to friend or friends. Often, we like Paul. Say goodbye to those in this life we never see again.
How could Paul go on? Very easy when Paul could look around and see more yes’s and more blessings and greater things in GOD than the no’s that he was given.
What I am saying is this. All of us are going to hear a no from heaven some point and time. And there will be a demand on you and I in how we respond to that no.

·        Will it be bitterness?
·        Will it be quitting?
·        Will it be I’m tired of this?
·        Will it be blame placed on another? Somebody else’s fault?
·        Will it be I want it to end, and I don’t care how?

All I say is this. There is a yes from GOD that is greater than HIS no.

·        Yes, I can be forgiven.
·        Yes, I can be delivered.
·        Yes, I can make it because I have made it before. (HIS GRACE IS SUFFICIENT.)
·        Yes, I have received HIS Spirit. Yes, HE loves me this I know.

There is a guarantee. Yes, it is, its absolutely true. There is sorrow and much of it. But don’t forget while the NO, may be there. There is another yes from heaven on the way.
Ps 30:5 …weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning.    KJV
Paul, Trophimus the answer is no. Keep looking though. Don’t get high centered on the no. There is a yes in the way.

·        Joseph’s dream… But his brothers said no.
·        Joseph’s dream… But the pit said no.
·        Josephs dream… But the Midianites said no.
·        Joseph’s dream… But Potiphar’s wife said no.
·        Joseph’s dream… And the prison shouted no.
·        Joseph’s dream… And No says your forgotten Joseph.
·        Joseph’s dream… And the palace said yes…
·        Joseph’s dream… And his brethren said yes…
·        Joseph’s dream… And Jacob (dad) said yes.
·        Joseph’s dream… And heaven says, didn’t I say yes before you heard all the no’s?

Thank you for reading… May GOD bless you.


Thursday, October 18, 2018

As a Thief

Christ’s soon return is not like He can be missed. And yet, that is exactly what happens. It would seem like it would be impossible to miss such an event as HIS return. The whole bible culminates and concludes with HIS return. Although, I don’t think that it can be said enough. I say that because the bible speaks of such warning, time and time again. Even Jesus describes what it will be like.

Matt 24:42 Watch therefore: for ye know not what hour your Lord doth come
43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up.
44 Therefore be ye also ready: for in such an hour as ye think not the Son of man cometh.   KJV

This is the description of the LORD Himself. Even this language is repeated not just once but several times. Peter said it like this with again the same description.

2 Peter 3:10 But the day of the Lord will come as a thief in the night; in the which the heavens shall pass away with a great noise, and the elements shall melt with fervent heat, the earth also and the works that are therein shall be burned up.    KJV

Paul also used the same language.

1 Thess 5:2 For yourselves know perfectly that the day of the Lord so cometh as a thief in the night.    KJV

Not focusing on each setting or even the context as to why it’s given. But the emphasis is on (HOW JESUS IS GOING TO COME.) “As a thief.”

The thief knows the art of surprise. Because in doing so, the thief has the greatest of opportunity in getting away. The thief knows to use the cover of darkness to perpetrate his crime and use the darkness to mask his getaway.

The description of each writer is (AS A THIEF.) However, not so that Jesus can catch all unaware and surprise so many can be lost. Its just the opposite. Jesus says, how HIS coming will be. HE plainly says, “AS A THIEF.”  The fact is, Jesus rather gives us this as a warning. We are to know how HE IS COMING.

Jesus tells how HE is going to come. Peter and Paul repeat it. And not to leave without one last warning. Jesus has John on the isle called Patmos record for us again in the 66th and final book of the bible.

Rev 3:3 Remember therefore how thou hast received and heard, and hold fast, and repent. If therefore thou shalt not watch, I will come on thee as a thief, and thou shalt not know what hour I will come upon thee.   KJV

This was to Sardis. One of the seven churches that Jesus writes and visits specifically. Sardis the dead church. This warning is not unbelievers but to the believers. It was those who followed HIM. Believers. To those who Peter and Paul warned. Believers. The church.

Don’t be flabbergasted that the world misses HIM. The world will always miss HIM. Always has and always will. That is until it’s too late. When HE sound’s HIS trump and with a shout, “the dead in Christ and those that are alive and remain shall be caught up to meet HIM in the air”. Its worth noting that all these warnings were to those that believed.

Jesus even gives us the story of the 10 virgins. All represent the church. All were virgins, all dressed, all ready. Each knew how to look. Yet, only 5 went because when the bride groom came HE came in the night when the demand of preparedness is the highest. One must have oil for light to reveal the bridegroom. Again, (AS A THIEF.)

I’m reminded just the other day. October the third. Out of nowhere, unexpectedly my phone and perhaps yours as well began to sound an alarm. Surely, we all have had our phone make that certain sound. Usually it’s due to weather, a storm or perhaps an “Amber or Silver Alert.” But on this October day. That sound, an alert and note the first of its kind. Some, perhaps just passively looked at it. Maybe, some didn’t think twice about it. Maybe you that are reading this has already forgotten it. But just to remind you, this is what it said. “Presidential Alert, 1:18 pm. THIS IS A TEST of the National Wireless Emergency Alert System.” And then the words. “No action needed.”

If you don’t know the purpose of the above said alert. Its all about preparation. A warning to take precautions in case as one said for the purpose of; “incoming missiles, terrorist threats, or ANY OTHER PUBLIC PERIL.” A TIME WHEN ACTION IS NEEDED.

This is by most forgotten by now. However, I remind you not of what could happen, but what is going to happen. The alarms are sounding. The end-times are not coming they are here. Jesus is soon to RETURN. And HE said, what its going to be like when HE DOES RETURN. HE’S GOING TO COME AND TO MOST IT WILL BE AS A THIEF, BUT ONLY BECAUSE MOST WILL NOT BE GIVING ATTENTION. HE’S COMING LIKE A THIEF IN THE NIGHT.

Thank you for reading.




Friday, October 12, 2018


I know this seems to be lost in the shuffle of life today. However, an alarm must be sounded. Notification of the rapture of the church is and must be imminent. I know this is something that has been said, and over and over again. However, should we ignore it just because it’s a message that has been preached going on now, for 2,000 years? Should we all toss this away just because its something that has been spoken of by numerous people and numerous preachers and authors, through each generation?

Jesus made us aware of it and to the point that the messages we do have of Jesus had much to do with HIS return.

Acts 1:9 And when he had spoken these things, while they beheld, he was taken up; and a cloud received him out of their sight.
10 And while they looked stedfastly toward heaven as he went up, behold, two men stood by them in white apparel;
11 Which also said, Ye men of Galilee, why stand ye gazing up into heaven? this same Jesus, which is taken up from you into heaven, shall so come in like manner as ye have seen him go into heaven.     KJV

This was sounded just as soon as HE ascended to heaven. This didn’t come a day or two later. This was spoken immediately. And it is worth noting, it was spoken by one who was a resident of heaven. An angel of the LORD.

Heb 9:28 So Christ was once offered to bear the sins of many; and unto them that look for him shall he appear the second time without sin unto salvation.    KJV

It is apparent that those that are looking for HIM are the ones who will see HIM.

From a biblical perspective. It has been said, that if you were to take the subject matter of “the coming of the LORD Jesus Christ.” This subject being mentioned in just the New Testament alone would be like our reading this for every thirty scriptures read. To break this down, if you were traveling down the highway. It would be like a sign, a billboard for every thirty miles proclaiming, “JESUS IS COMING.” If Jesus put that in HIS word with that much regularity. I believe I can say, Jesus wanted someone to know about it. So much so, that when HE did come He didn’t want them to be caught off guard. The Lord seems to be saying don’t be caught by surprise. One may like surprises but that isn’t one that I would look forward to getting. Unfortunately, the Bible is clear, more will be surprised that those who are not. Because of one thing really. They simply are not looking.

Be ready, Jesus is coming.