Wednesday, September 2, 2020

 What is Truth

What is truth? My what a question. Have you ever considered this question or had this thought? It’s a question, that while many may not give thought to it. It is a question that is being answered every day.

Now that is a thought. How can we all be answering that question today? How did we answer that question yesterday? How will I answer that question tomorrow? How you ask? Simple answer. What I give myself to is my truth. I answer that question every day with that which I pursue. Whether its nothing at all. Leisure answers the question of what is truth. Leisure says ease. Leisure says comfort. You may say well that defines leisure. But the question is. How is leisure made to be truth? Because if leisure is pursued that is what we have said, that is what is important to me. Therefore, leisure being made the point of my existence for this or that particular day, I have defined it as what I need or I want therefore it’s not a lie it’s my truth.

I just used leisure as an example. Truth today can be made to be anything. How about money? Money answereth all things, so says Solomon. Money can be defined as one’s truth. One may say, money can be used to pursue a lie. That is true. However, the lie that is pursued. In the eyes of the pursuer the thought is, I need money for whatever reason we define for ourselves. Whether we see it as a need, a want, or simply to possess. Money then is defined as our truth.

Anything and everything can be our truth. Today more so than ever before. Man is defining for himself what is truth. But here is the thing to know. The truth that we have pursued is going to be tested and one day, HE that is the Truth will test it. HE will measure it. He will weigh it and the truth that we all have defined for ourselves will either pass HIS test or it will be found wanting.

The story in the bible where Jesus is brought before Pilate. Pilate the one who had built his life on the strength of the throne. One who gave himself to the strength of man’s law. His truth. Pilate the one who pursued the question with his life. A question that he asked Jesus that day.

38 Pilate saith unto him, What is truth? And when he had said this, he went out again unto the Jews, and saith unto them, I find in him no fault at all.    KJV

It is a question that we do not see Jesus answer. Why? Jesus, lets everybody answer for themselves this question. WHAT IS TRUTH? Jesus seems to let man make a choice and define for themselves everyday they live. What is truth?

How will we answer that question today? What is truth? We just may as well ask it this way. What is my truth? Because in a day like today everything is open to just how we want to answer it. The pervading thought is, your truth may not be my truth. My truth may not be your truth.

Know this that which provoked Pilate’s question of Jesus. Jesus gives us the significance and the importance of what is truth.

John 18:37 Jesus answered, Thou sayest that I am a king. To this end was I born, and for this cause came I into the world, that I should bear witness unto the truth. Every one that is of the truth heareth my voice.

Who or what is your truth? It matters, because only those that can hear HIS voice are the ones of the truth. Jesus said Truth was HIS cause. Are you in pursuit of truth or is truth what you have made it?