Sunday, December 20, 2020

Abraham's Approach


Abraham’s Approach

In my bible reading this morning there was something in the scriptures that leaped out at me. Yet, it was simple. It perhaps is not revelatory to most. But still it impacted me and so it may you as well.

The story is Abraham and GOD in discussion of Sodom. This is found for your reference in Genesis, the 18th chapter. It starts out as Abraham not knowing GOD’S plan. It starts out as a question of GOD. The LORD asks, “Shall I hide my plan from Abraham?” It is apparent that GOD has trust in Abraham. It is also apparent that GOD has already had conversations with Abraham. Abraham has already shown himself as an altar builder. He has already shown himself as one that trusts in GOD. He has already stepped away now and is way beyond Ur and has since left Haran. He has done this in search for that city whose builder and maker is GOD. Abraham has shown he’s willing and is on course of showing his faith in his continued journey. What I find amazing is Abraham’s approach to GOD about this city called Sodom. Of course, Abraham knows his nephew Lot is there with his family. So, here is the debate between GOD and Abraham. Abraham’s approach to GOD wasn’t just it the behalf of his family. In fact, Abraham never even mentions Lot or his family. The argument. The sticking point. The case presented before the LORD doesn’t even include his family. Abraham mentions no one by name. Abraham mentions no traits of certain individuals. Abraham doesn’t reach for reputations or names of the so-called greats. He does not mention any standing of attribute of certain individuals. Abraham does not bring before GOD the wealth or riches of any particular individuals. Abraham doesn’t point to any individuals’ talents, giftings, or one’s intelligence for sparing the city. Surely, they were all there. I am sure they had those people. However, none comes to the mind of Abraham. No name is mentioned. Nor is anything that is possessed by those who live in Sodom does Abraham bring up. Other words, Abraham did know what to mention. Abraham knew how to approach GOD in persuading GOD not to destroy Sodom. How crazy is that? Abraham brought it up because he knew what to bring up. Abraham knew the sticking point. Abraham stayed with his argument to the end. And when Abraham brought it up, notice this. GOD never corrected him in what it was he brought up. When Abraham stood before the judge in the court of GOD. GOD never told Abraham. Your presentation is wrong. Your constitutional argument is in error. GOD never said, “Abraham you would be more apt to convince me from this standpoint.” “Abraham here is your case. Here is your argument. “Article such and such number.” Nope, both knew the one thing that would destroy or keep GOD’S destruction from coming.” Just the one thing, that’s it. This one thing that had to be there. It wasn’t power, prestige, position, positivity, or popularity. The one thing that will always win the argument. Abraham knew where to point. Abraham as the appointed attorney for Sodom’s defense. He knew if he was to win the case. There was one standing argument. It’s the same argument that still prevails with GOD today.

Gen 18:24 Peradventure there be fifty righteous within the city: wilt thou also destroy and not spare the place for the fifty righteous that are therein?    KJV

And Abraham and GOD both stay within the argument, the debate, the question of; IF THERE BE 50 RIGHTEOUS PEOPLE WITHIN THE CITY WILL YOU STILL DESTROY IT?

RIGHTEOUSNESS… The question, the only question. Is there 50, 45, 40 and so it goes all the way down to ten. If there be but ten found righteous, GOD said, I will spare the city of Sodom.

While Sodom did what Sodom did. While Sodom slept. Just a few miles away the great debate for their existence was found in the courtroom of GOD.

I can’t help wander for the generation of today. Will GOD? Can GOD find righteousness amongst us today? Not righteousness that we have defined for ourselves or others in what it looks like. But righteousness as GOD has determined it to be. Is it present? Or is found absent and wanting in this present day?

I do find with much amazement I might add. That in today’s world in contrast to the days not so long past. Righteousness seems to be just another relative term that can be changed, and/ or manipulated, to meet our design. The existing pressures today, maybe they are being put upon us to see just what we are made of. GOD does seem to be placed on the outside to only be looking in where righteousness was easily found.