Saturday, December 17, 2022

Where are you Christmas


Where are you Christmas      2022

There is a song I am sure you have heard it. You of course can hear it in the malls, in the stores. Of course, only at Christmas time. It’s lyrics going, the lights, the mistletoe, the many glittering decorations…

Where are you Christmas? Why can't I find you?
Why have you gone away?
Where is the laughter you used to bring me?
Why can't I hear music play?

My world is changing
I'm rearranging
Does that mean Christmas changes too?

Where are you Christmas? Do you remember
The one you used to know?
I'm not the same one, see what the time's done
Is that why you have let me go?

This world, your world, my world, our world is changing. Christmas time can be sad, it can be sorrowful for many. The lost loved one, the lost love, the kids far away. Lonely and alone for so many this year. The last two years speak of much sorrow for way to many. Such sickness. May I say it or in this case write it? Death has struck so many. Yet, its Christmas time in an ever changing, rearranging Christmas. Does that mean Christmas changes too? Its still Christmas. There’s still JESUS. There’s a lot of empty tables, empty times. But if I may remind you in these changing times. Times of great challenges to our hearts, minds, souls, and strength. What does Christmas speak to those of us that are in pain and feeling empty. Empty. Does that not speak of an empty sky save a lone star? Does that speak of a lone couple making their way through the cold to meet the demands of a census? Does it reveal an empty manger, an empty cross, an empty tomb for you? For me? For us?


Oh, how can that be? Christmas came to find you. Christmas came to give you joy. Christmas came to give you peace. Christmas came for all of us that were empty, so that we might be full. The truth of Christmas. Is it not unto us? I say, Christmas is for us. Christmas is unto us. Christmas is for you and for me. Its Christmas time don’t let your world change Christmas.

Isa 9:6 For unto us a child is born, unto us a son is given: and the government shall be upon his shoulder: and his name shall be called Wonderful, Counsellor, The mighty God, The everlasting Father, The Prince of Peace.

7 Of the increase of his government and peace there shall be no end, upon the throne of David, and upon his kingdom, to order it, and to establish it with judgment and with justice from henceforth even for ever. The zeal of the LORD of hosts will perform this.    KJV

Thank you for reading. 

Wishing you a very Merry Christmas to you and yours.

Saturday, October 1, 2022

Another Sign of HIS Return

 Another Sign of HIS Return

It's in the news. It’s not on the normal networks or radio stations. It is quite amazing that news such as of this magnitude is not even looked at. When I say it’s not on the normal networks and radio stations. I mean, you’re not going to find it on CNN, FOX, ABC, or the others. It’s not on the minds or lips of the talking heads of the day. I speak of Sean Hannity, Mark Levin, the Glenn Becks and the others. Gone are the days of those who would mention such subjects deemed as newsworthy.  

Did you know that Israel is in the days of celebration of the fifth feast? That were just days out from Yom Kippur, the Feast of Atonement? You may ask, what does this even mean for me? What does it even mean today for the world, for the U.S.A?

Leviticus 23 makes reference to these feasts. Surely, we have heard of Passover, the one that the gentiles changed and called Easter. The one that Constantine outlawed for the Jews to celebrate. How about the next one. The Feast of unleavened bread? The Feast of First Fruits? How about the significance of the one called Feast of Trumpets, or Rosh Hashanah also Feast of Pentecost and other names that speaks of this one particular feast. Not to get into the intricacies of each feast, but suffice it to say, they are in our bible. I know, like so many who say, that is the Old Testament. What does this have to do with us under Grace? I would say in response to such a question, more than you know.

It is quite amazing for America to simply run around and believe, without study what everyone is saying. My response to the lack of study of the word of GOD just goes to show that many are going to be lost on the account of not knowing. There is such a place of destruction due to a lack of knowledge. So, it is with the lack of understanding. To many places that the bible declares one losing, missing the mark on the back of ignorance.

Isa 9:16 For the leaders of this people cause them to err; and they that are led of them are destroyed.  KJV

Hos 4:6 My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge: because thou hast rejected knowledge, I will also reject thee, that thou shalt be no priest to me: seeing thou hast forgotten the law of thy God, I will also forget thy children.   KJV

Jer 5:4 Therefore I said, Surely these are poor; they are foolish: for they know not the way of the LORD, nor the judgment of their God.   KJV

Jer 5:21 Hear now this, O foolish people, and without understanding; which have eyes, and see not; which have ears, and hear not:     KJV

2 Cor 4:3 But if our gospel be hid, it is hid to them that are lost:   KJV

Its quite telling when you understand such as the above, there is no excuse for not knowing. Paul states the obvious when we read.

Rom 1:20 For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made, even his eternal power and Godhead; so that they are without excuse:   KJV

Other words, there is no excuse period. No one is going to have an exemption given for not knowing. They are so clearly seen, being understood Paul said, even HIS Godhead will be without excuse.

So, this leads me back to this day. Israel some 20,000 strong in this Rosh Hashanah praying, repenting, seeking their messiah to return. This a couple of days ago. YouTube it. The Jews are heard and seen praying for the rebuilding of the temple of Solomon’s temple. The hopes of reinstating the animal sacrifices. Even now a total of 5 red heifers being flown out of Texas, to Israel. They being hidden outside of a couple in public, in an undisclosed location. Ready to sacrifice for the atonement of the Priest who will enter that tabernacle or at the place thereof, for what they believe to be remission of their sins.

Never been done since the Old Testament times. All of this and so much, much more speaks of JESUS’ RETURN.

Look at these Feasts. Study them closely. I will speak hopefully more on this the next blog.

Thank you for reading.

Wednesday, June 15, 2022

Jesus is Coming Back


The words of Jesus in the entirety of Matthew 24 is an answer to a question that is asked HIM by HIS disciples. It’s an answer to this one question.

Matt 24:3 And as he sat upon the mount of Olives, the disciples came unto him privately, saying, Tell us, when shall these things be? and what shall be the sign of thy coming, and of the end of the world?   KJV

There are multiple things that Jesus points to in answer to these questions.

I want to start with the one that is most often quoted and repeated. Jesus points to many events’ future, yet to the past also. It is here I want to begin. Jesus calls to memory Noah.

Matt 24:37 But as the days of Noe were, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

38 For as in the days that were before the flood they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noe entered into the ark,

39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.    KJV

Jesus uses the word (days) and (day). Note the words (before) and (flood.)

Jesus is telling what is happening leading up to the day, before HIS coming. Do not forget or overlook that at the same time as Noah and his family are being saved inside the ark. The same event (flood) is condemning those outside the ark. We see simultaneously (SALVATION, or DELIVERANCE) but we are also seeing (JUDGMENT.)

1.      The time before the (flood) before HIS coming. Jesus said, so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.

2.      The same day as the (flood) came and delivered Noah. It condemned the world. Judgment- the same day… Tribulation, judgment falls on the earth.

Jesus isn’t grabbing one thread here. It’s the whole garment that reveals the truth in a multifaceted way.

3.      This will be worldwide and while the believers are being taken out of. Given escape. Judgment is seen upon the disobedient the same day.

      Isn’t it amazing? Noah knew. Noah also knew that escape was not coming as long, as the Ark was not ready.

      One of the last things that Noah would do in preparing the ark the bible says, he pitched it within and without.

Gen 6:14 Make thee an ark of gopher wood; rooms shalt thou make in the ark, and shalt pitch it within and without with pitch.    KJV

This word… PITCH—is seen in obedience. It is revealed in what Noah did on the inside of the Ark as well as the outside of the Ark. This word (PITCH) means (ATONEMENT, TO SEAL--- TO KEEP THE PRESSURE, THE WATERS (SEALED) TO THE OUTSIDE WHILE KEEPING THOSE ON THE INSIDE SEALED, AND SAFE.


The depiction is this. As the days of Noah were… The same thing that brought deliverance to Noah and his family and judgment upon the rest. Jesus lets us know, these same things would exist to the point of (OVERWHELMING) on the day of HIS RAPTURE AND JUDGMENT.



39 And knew not until the flood came, and took them all away; so shall also the coming of the Son of man be.   

While the at the same time the ark was being built and even finished. The bible says of the disobedient they did not know. You know what that means? The final event before the flood or Tribulation comes, will be the DISAPPEARANCE OF THE CHURCH.

Like a thief in the night. He has come and taken HIS CHURCH OUT OF HERE. While the church is preparing.

·                * While the church is worshipping.

·                * While the church is witnessing.

·                * While the church is faithful.

·                * While the church is praying.

·                * While the church is obeying.


Thank you for reading today.


Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Jesus is Going to Return

Jesus is going to return… 

What is the motivation of any? This while an easy question. No formula or cipher is needed. Yet, this question can and will come with many different answers. There be no right or wrong answer, perhaps. The motivations of need, want, and dreams are often the main source of motivation. It is, however, an answer that I believe that should be centered upon as the most important of all considerations. 

Where will we spend eternity? It is and I contend should be the focal point of all needs, wants, and dreams. It is with this observation that I am going to focus my attention on in the coming days. If I have any influence, my intent is to encourage, and give cause of evaluation to all that reads these posts.  A deep consideration to where we all are in these times. JESUS IS INDEED, ABOUT TO RETURN.

It is here I want to begin. I am going to endeavor to keep all these posts as short as possible.  For that reason, I am going to stay on this subject for some time. If I can convey anything at all? If I can be of any help in this day? I believe it is for us all to awake to this GREAT DAY that lies just ahead.

2 Tim 3:1 This know also, that in the last days perilous times shall come.   KJV

One reads

2 Tim 3:1 BUT UNDERSTAND this, that in the last days will come (set in) perilous times of great stress and trouble [hard to deal with and hard to bear].    AMP

Paul is writing of something that has yet to appear but tells what the last days are going to look like.

We see this word (PERLIOUS) meaning this, (DANGEROUS) times are on the way.

Great stress. Trouble. These days that are coming, are going to be hard to bear.

We must admit we have entered these times.

It is important to note. This word (TIMES) is not our definition of (TIME.) We would measure this (TIME) as (CHRONOS.) Greek for our (MEASUREMENT OF TIME) defined by seconds, minutes, hours, days… (etc.) This word (TIME) here is (KAIROS) which means not measured by calendar or clock, but its measure is in moments, seasons, an occasion, or event. Its specific.

I start here because these days are present. These days are now. It is (TIME.) GOD’S TIME. Moments you will know by an event or events that GOD says would come in the form of (DANGER OR PERIL.)

It is with this understanding that I will be sharing from the scriptures what is going to happen soon. Hopefully we will avoid where all these events are taking this world. There is a set appointment already made. An event that one will wish to miss at all costs.

Thank you for reading today.


Friday, January 14, 2022

For the Record


Numbers the 33rd chapter records for us a most different commandment that the Lord gave Moses to implement. This commandment was different than all other commandments. This commandment was put in practice as they marched out of Egypt.

The NLT says it like this.

Num 33:2 At the Lord's direction, Moses kept a written record of their progress. These are the stages of their march, identified by the different places where they stopped along the way.    NLT

The Lord commanded Moses in what we would see as keeping a journal. The Lord is wanting them to specifically to note the progress of their every stop and start. The Lord is wanting them to also note each place.

This was while they were on the way to the Promise Land. This was leaving Egypt. This was going not just from one point to another. This was GOD leading them and telling Moses. I want you to record it.

·        If GOD is leading you that means you are on your way to becoming more spiritually attune to GOD’S leading.

It should be marked for what it is. It’s going to be a guaranteed progress.

·        If GOD is leading you, HE leads with a guaranteed arrival.

The question is, will we follow? Surely in your personal way you can note the progress compared to the lack of progress while in Egypt.

It should be easy to tell where and what Egypt looks like.  

In leaving Egypt, I count 40 times they moved. Forty times they recorded. Forty times with each move was getting them closer to where GOD wanted to take them. Forty times we can count that it was progress. Each time they moved was another step closer to their promised blessing. It was another measured moment of progress on laying hold of what GOD had promised their father, Abraham.

Some of those moves represented testing. Some moves represent miracles of protection and provision. Some moves represented rebuke, correction and instruction. What it pertains to us is much the same in all these accounts. I wish to point out they were always to be moving closer to the place GOD had for them.

I have heard many say, the best time in my life was when I was in the HOUSE OF GOD. The happiest I have ever been, was while I was in the presence of GOD and together with GOD’S people.

·        Can you call to memory your greatest memories?

·        Can you recall your greatest moments?

·        Can you not concur that it was the blessing of being with people of like faith worshipping and praising GOD together?

I encourage you to take the evaluation. See by where you are now verse where you once was. Record your proximity to GOD and I dare say, that it is the greatest of all places.

Thank you for reading and bless you while on your journey.