PS. 51
What we do know is this is King David’s prayer of repentance… He has been found in sin… He is exposed to all… His sin is ever before him… But David says something in this prayer that has always stood out to me… To me this defines David as to who he really was… This one thing only… This one small passage among many… And I must say, I believe that where this is in every one of our lives defines us as to who we are and who we become and where we end…
That one verse…
Ps 51:11 Cast me not away from thy presence; and take not thy holy spirit from me. KJV
Surely, I understand that without the previous verses of repentance its certain that we don’t see the result of eleven… However, the 11th verse gives me reason as to why we see David repent in the first place… The 11th verse is the motivating factor of David’s desire, his prayer, and everything that David is, and was and what David becomes…
David was king… David of course was rich… David had it all… He was increased with silver, gold, every precious jewel… David had respect to his throne… He had name and reputation… By David’s position as king even the surrounding Kings gave tribute through monies, resources, and vast amount of treasure was given to King David…
David had family… David had those he loved… David here in this setting has wives and children… Yet, in David’s sin the one request that David asked of his God is found in this verse eleven… Don’t take thy spirit from me…
I see David really saying, God I have sinned against you and whatever means of punishment, whatever means of reaping that must come to my life… The one thing that David requested that he may have, that he may keep was, don’t take away your Holy Spirit from me…
The question that all will answer with their life is how important is HIS SPIRIT to me??? How important is his spirit to you??? In your house of worship if you have one, how often is this preached??? How often is this heard??? How often is this stressed to the congregation… Answer??? Only as often as we see the importance of the SPIRIT OF GOD…
How important is the SPIRIT OF GOD TO David??? David in his choosing said, it was the most important… And let us not forget, David had much to lose… Yet, look at what was most important to him…
In the place of David, what or who; do you choose???
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