Knowledge is a powerful thing… Knowledge can be what makes
the tool efficient and the thing repaired to run correctly… Knowledge to as a
weapon it can define the winner of the battle and even the final victor of the
war… Knowledge can be the work of education, diligence in study, and the
investment of a good teacher… Yes, knowledge is a powerful thing. If you are
sensing a pause or an explanation here, you are correct. Because while
knowledge is a powerful thing it’s a very different thing to possess the
knowledge needed and yet, not possess the understanding of when to use that
Just a few days ago, Hawaii got a notice of a missile
heading their way and the words was to take immediate action, and seek shelter…
Someone had to type the message, someone had to verify the message and then
someone had to push the send button… Maybe it’s not quite like the way I
described it, but something similar to that description. The point is that
someone was hired and trained for that, particular job… Someone possessed the
knowledge of how and actions to take as recourse to evade, evacuate, and endure
certain dangers. While they had the knowledge of what to do and how to do it…
They knew what to say in the message and too how to relay the message. Someone that
was trained and familiar with all the protocols… The person or persons that had
the job and had the knowledge, according to what we now know, is there never
was a missile. There never was a danger… Kim Jong Un never pushed his send
button. However, it wasn’t until after the basements of hotels were filled with
people… While moms and dads were running and driving frantically to pick up the
kids, the grandparents… All of this to get their loved ones to a safer place.
And still others, scared for their lives and now as I type this are now perhaps
securing lawyers to sue for pain and suffering and loss of pay and perhaps even
loss of mind… Even some I could go as far and say perhaps pursuing the passing
of legislation to legalize marijuana use for their pain and suffering.
While the knowledge was there in how and in what to do. It
is evident that the knowledge possessed of when to do it was not present.
Knowledge that day did the wrong thing because the failure
was the lack of understanding as to when to use the knowledge they possessed.
Knowledge of what one knows and what one thinks they know is
very different.
Jesus made a judgement… He separated what HE called the
sheep and the goats…
Matt 25:31 When the Son of man shall come in his glory, and
all the holy angels with him, then shall he sit upon the throne of his glory:
32 And before him shall be gathered all nations: and he shall
separate them one from another, as a shepherd divideth his sheep from the goats
33 And he shall set the sheep on his right hand, but the
goats on the left. KJV
Jesus describes and uses the analogy of a shepherd dividing these
two animals in the gathering of the nations of this world… He used sheep and HE
used goats. Neither are described as geniuses… Neither is described as knowing
more than the other. The question, what does the sheep have that the goats
don’t that win the favor of the shepherd??? It’s rather simple really. The
sheep know how to be a sheep and of course it’s the sheep that are known to follow
the shepherd.
What are you today??? Do you know the voice of the
shepherd??? Let that be your answer…
Thank you for reading…
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