Thursday, January 7, 2021

A Promise, A Blessing, A Word

Isa 30:15 This is what the Sovereign Lord, the Holy One of Israel, says: "Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength. But you would have none of it.      NLT

This word how special it is. It’s truth. Its powerful. But I see it as a lesson. A means to an end. And end to stress, weakness, fear, struggle. I could go on. But its sure. Its settled. While Isaiah is speaking and recording. It’s the LORD we hear. Its HIS words.  We could go back in time and we can examine the culture, the times, the peoples, and their problems. Its their sin. Its there weakness. Its their failures. But what rings out to me is this word. It's a forever settled word. As true and relevant as it was in 750 B.C. I find it as much if not more so today.

The GOD of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob says, ONLY (emphasis mine) ONLY in returning to ME. 

How much can be said of us today in this word? How much can be said of our times, our people, our nation, our world, and where we are individually? ONLY us returning to ME and RESTING in ME WILL YOU BE SAVED.

How is this apply to me? The the world I live in? To me as a father, a husband? How about to my children? In this day of no rest. A day with entertainment at the ready. Sports, hobbies, game systems, social media. While the world is on fire with chaos. A world that is existing and running on fumes of anger and dissent. And this word that GOD has given us. ONLY IN RETURNING TO ME AND RESTING IN ME WILL YOU BE SAVED. I take comfort in that word right there. Jesus is my answer. Jesus is my center. Jesus is my focus. Jesus is my love. Jesus is my hope. We read the words that follow and where they bring us to. In quietness and confidence is your strength. When I do the first thing I get all those things that follow. I get blessed. I get away from the outside noise. I turn of the news. I turn off the outside voices of dissent, the chaos. My emotions, my feelings are not manipulated by the enemy. GOD has then given me the means to have self-control and not be controlled. I can rest. I can sleep. I can free myself of worry. I can be strong. I can have strength to face the adversity and the struggle of life. I receive rest. I am saved. I have quietness and confidence. I have your strength.

"Only in returning to me and resting in me will you be saved. In quietness and confidence is your strength.

The word Isaiah gave was to another people, another time, and in another place. I hear their response to the ONE could have, and who would have made their lives so much sweeter, happier, peaceful. So much joy and contentment. But alas, YOU WOULD HAVE NONE OF IT.

Thanks for reading; May the LORD bless you can keep you and strengthen you today with this beautiful word and promise of the LORD.

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